About Us

Shiksha Bharti is a registered society in the field of education for the all round development of future generation. It has been running successfully since 1989 education institutions in remote needy areas, along with the general stream of education. It is trying its best to develop etiquette, ethics, patriotism, national character, honesty, workmanship & cultural values . Beside education it has tried its best to awaken the general public to develop a sense of duty and devotion among the children. It has organised seminars, cams and meeting from time to time and organise constructive camps in the needy areas and started a kalian yojna to help the poor students.

Shiksha Bharti D.El.Ed.Course

It is well known that there is a great demand for D.El.Ed.Course in Himachal Pradesh . Shiksha Bharti in its pursuit of providing these course in our own state, has got the recognition from National Council of Teachers Education (NCTE ) for the intake of 50 students after undertaking a very tough & lengthy process.Shiksha Bharti congratulates you for joining this college. I hope that will, during your course, behave with decency and decorum and also work for the development of this institution. Our college is also the centre of B.Ed.100 students are admitted here

Shiksha Bharti B.Ed course

It is well known that there is a great demand for B.Ed course in Himachal Pradesh as students of this state have to go and incur huge expenditure in other States for doing this course.Shiksha Bharti in its pursuit of providing these course in our own state,has got the recognition from National Council of Teachers Education NCTE for the intake of 100 students after undertaking a very tough & lengthy process.Shiksha Bharti congratulates you for joining this college. I hope you will, during your course, behave with decency and decorum and also work for the development of this institution.


  • College Rule
  • Academic Record
  • Attendance
  • Number Of Seats


  • Institute
  • Teaching Staff
  • Non Teaching Staff
  • Fee Structure
  • Age & Achievements
  • Detail Of Affilation